Thank you for your time so I can tell you something about my vision and my project.
„I cannot unsee it
I can only believe it
It’s the strangest feeling
The future I am dreaming“
These are difficult times we are living in. The world has changed. We’ve changed. This could be a reason to bust one’s head into the sand.
But: As a musician I’d rather make room for feelings, vibes, perspectives. I want to give them a voice.
It’s not about „you have tos“, efficiency or functionality. We need some space where everything can take place. A place where we can simply „be“.
I believe that there is an urgency in creating those spaces. My vision is that my music will do just that.
This is the reason why…
… I don`t bust my head into the sand, but into creating music: „Cause I cannot unsee it!“
… I work on my new album. Release Date: Spring 2023.
….I invite you to be a part of it. How? I will tell you.
There are a lot of expenses to make a record happen:
If you’d like to support this project:
You support all involved parties, making it possible to pay them fairly.
You make sure that our culture stays multi-faceted.
Yes, I will support Katelin and receive a gift!