Support me and my project

Hello, I am Katelin. Eclectic Indie Singer.

Thank you for your time so I can tell you something about my vision and my project.

„I cannot unsee it

I can only believe it

It’s the strangest feeling

The future I am dreaming“

These are difficult times we are living in. The world has changed. We’ve changed.  This could be a reason to bust one’s head into the sand. 

But: As a musician I’d rather make room for feelings, vibes, perspectives. I want to give them a voice.

It’s not about „you have tos“, efficiency or functionality. We need some space where everything can take place. A place where we can simply „be“.

I believe that there is an urgency in creating those spaces. My vision is that my music will do just that.

This is the reason why…

…  I don`t bust my head into the sand,  but into creating music: „Cause I cannot unsee it!“

This is the reason why…

… I work on my new album. Release Date: Spring 2023.

This is the reason why…

….I invite you to be a part of it.  How?  I will tell you.

There are a lot of expenses to make a record happen:

If you’d like to support this project

  1. Click on the PayPal-Button below
  2. Choose the amount you wish to give  (EVERY amount is a big help!)
  3. 100% will be used for the production-expenses
  4. IMPORTANT: After the transaction wait and click on „zurück zu Katelin“ so I can thank you properly and give you a special gift
You enable me to be an independent musician, to create and publish music. 

You support all involved parties, making it possible to pay them fairly. 

 You make sure that our culture stays multi-faceted. 

This is the place, where I work on my songs with my producer Jörn Schlüter

Yes, I will support Katelin and receive a gift!

"I cannot unseen it, I can only believe it. It's the strangest feeling. The future I am dreaming."
Unsee it
"All things need a place. Some moments last - using the masking tape."
Odds and ends
"I know I’m strong enough. I’m finally giving in. I need rhino skin, but mine is paper thin, it's paper thin."
Rhino skin
"Let the city wake up - from its dreaming. Let the white noice stop - give it meaning. Let the concrete bow - I Put my heel in. I make my vow."
Black shoes
"I feel a pull I cannot deny. Migrant birds up in the sky. Time to go, the clock strikes the hour, I scribble my number on a paper towel."
Unsee it


3 Videos